Tuesday 31 August 2010

We are off again!!

We are starting our blog again, as we are bound for the DR Congo again for another four weeks from October 14 to November 13. We have been asked to return to continue the work which we started in March. This morning, I have been up to the Congolese embassy in King's Cross and collected our visas. I had less trouble this time than previously, only three trips being necessary despite the fact that the procedures seem to have changed since March. Next time, if there is a next time, it will only be two trips, as I have found that the application forms are available on the Internet!!

Our international flights from Heathrow to Entebbe, Uganda are booked and paid for. We use a specialist mission travel agency in Holland to arrange these flights, and they have an arrangement with British Airways, which allows us an extra 23kilos of baggage free of charge for mission supplies. We have taken up this offer and will be taking various items out with us for the mission.

Our MAF flights from Entebbe to Bunia are booked, but still have to be paid for by international money transfer. This is a bit more complicated than just paying with a credit or debit card but can still be done over the Internet.

Tomorrow evening, we will be giving a presentation to those attending the Congo Field Conference at Bulstrode. We will be talking about our experiences and showing pictures not only of our work but also of the fantastic work done by Drs. Philip and Nancy Wood, with whom we stayed and shared so many experiences.

I don't anticipate that there will be much activity on the blog until we actually arrive in the Congo on 15 October but keep looking.

I will close now. God bless. And thank you for your interest.
