Wednesday 20 January 2010

Application for Visas

Drs. Nancy and Philip Wood, who we will be staying and working with whilst in Congo.
This morning I decided to take a trip across London to Kings Cross to the DR Congo Embassy to hand in our visa applications. When I arrived there the place was "locked up" with a number of people waiting outside not knowing what was going on. One young lady rang the bell and rattled the door to no effect. Then the metal shutters over the window started to go up and down and the door was rattled from the inside. Eventually the shutters over both window and door were completely lowered. A few minutes later two police cars and two police motorbikes arrived, eight policemen in all. They were eventually let in, preventing anyone from leaving as they went in. After a while a stream of people of all ages emerged, the police left and we went in. No idea what was going on as all seemed relatively calm as they left..
I went straight to the desk and handed over our papers - passports, vaccination certificates, flight booking papers, invitation etc. only to be told that the invitation needed to be "Legalised". Evidently the invitation has to be taken to the Town Hall in Bunia and stamped with a official stamp before the embassy will accept it.
We did request prayer re the visa because the process can be "bureaucratic".
Every blessing!

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