Wednesday 20 March 2013

Wednesday 20th March 2013

Tuesday, 12th February 2103 Cont:-

After our visit to the Church Schools there was just time for a brief rest before we walked to the home of CECCA 16 Church President Modibale and his wife Bettina. Bettina is German and has been a missionary in DR Congo for 25 years with S.I.L. International doing major translation work.
 Before enjoying the evening meal together, 
we spent a couple of hours in the garden discussing church issues and looking at the ways forward for their very widespread  communities is in this very large country. 
Apart from the common needs and concerns as previously mentioned, there were some which had saddened and shocked us all.  There are no pension schemes (government or private) or retirement structures for Pastors; (or anyone else for that matter) so when they retire they have to leave their church house and find other accommodation. Sometimes this might be with family, but.............? 
The government has no interest in their future or well-being (or anyone apart from themselves it sometimes seems!)  and pastors do not receive any income other than  via the church community, mission donations and other ways of supporting themselves.
And in all these large districts these pastors and their senior church staff seem to carry out very similar work to our UK local councils in looking after the welfare of their community, providing and supporting most of the clinics, schools and teachers. A very small number of teachers have government pay and if four out of ten get government pay in one school, we believe that they share it among themselves along with any money from the church. Yet these teachers and pastors are dedicated to their work in providing the children with a good education.

Wednesday, 13th of February 2013

 At 9.30am we set off for a day visit to Nala. That’s 1 ½ hours in the usual two vehicles over even worse roads and hazards than we had traveled before. 
 Crowds cheered us into the village including many schoolchildren in their blue and white uniforms lining the road.  
  We were welcomed and seated under a purpose built canopy of bamboo and palm leaves. 
 The Gamba band folk had come with us on the back of the pickup truck so they soon joined in with Nala’s music and singing groups! 

 Introductions and welcomes from the pastors before the speakers on various subjects. 
 We toured the schools and health center before having a typical Congolese meal!
Suddenly it was obvious that there could be a rainstorm within the next hour or so, which meant a hurried departure amid excitement and crowds waving us goodbye and safe journey! 
  We watched the black clouds during the 1 ½ hour ride back to Gamba, Isiro, because a storm while driving through the forest would be pretty awful!!  Our prayers were answered for a dry drive, and as we were clambering out of the vehicles the heavens suddenly opened, and the ground was soon like mud rivers! 
  It was cooler with the rain and we sat on the veranda and relaxed before we had a meal and wondered what we would be doing tomorrow!

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