Tuesday 30 March 2010

Is this the final posting?

Tues. 30th March.

I’m doing some afternoon typing, and we hope to get our final Blog diary from the Congo off to you this evening.
Janice with Moses the gardener.

We seem to have been here for a lifetime! But tomorrow we will be setting off on the first leg of our journey home. If there are no April Fool Day Flight surprises, we should land at Heathrow around 6am Thursday!!

Tomorrow we will be leaving this fascinating country and people, and many new friends. The last few days have been very busy, and particularly for John as he’s been finalising the computer work, and instructing the College Staff in the use of the programmes etc.

We have also had many invitations to people’s homes for ‘farewell meals’....including one this evening. And Nancy and Philip have arranged similar meals here; all featuring Congolese food, which we have thoroughly enjoyed during our month’s visit.

Nancy and Philip are amazing people, as are so many dedicated missionaries. Without being here to witness everything, it is impossible to imagine the amount that is packed into every day. Via our Blog we have tried to give you an insight into the work undertaken by them. They are totally dedicated for caring for the sick, preventative medical work and the education and training of the young Congolese people as Nurses and Doctors to improve the conditions and welfare and to serve in their own country.

DR Congo has many, many highly intelligent people among the very poor and throughout the whole range. But so many cannot afford education beyond junior school. Nancy and Philip support individuals and families as well as the Hospital and Clinics via the support of WEC and their own Home Churches and individuals etc. Our admiration for them is vast.

Some Emails have asked how my ankles are faring!! Well, they’ve taken a hammering I guess with all the walking on rough paths, and climbing in and out of the high 4x4 car!!! But miraculously haven’t hindered all that was needed of me!

By the way, the baby I saw born by caesarean has survived and is now flourishing. As well as the various practical Hospital and Clinic work I’ve done, I have also spoken/encouraged staff and students with their English.

Enough now, it’s over to John for a Final contribution.

See you in the UK soon!

Love and thanks for all your interest and prayers,


Well, I have nothing to add to what Janice has said except to say that so much is achieved with so little of the resources we in the West take for granted, and with such grace!!

Truly AMAZING GRACE!!!!!!!!!!!

I had intended finishing work this morning but transferring the programme to the school’s computer threw up one or two problems with the format and language. Sorting it out was also a problem because the operating system on the school computer is in French. So I was relying on knowing where things are rather than the written directions! Mind you, language has been a problem all the way through. The blame for that is mine more than anyone else’s. So a return to the school was necessary this afternoon just to tidy up.

I have left them with a copy of the programme to play with for “training” purposes and trust that when they come to actually use it in July when the students finish they won’t find any bugs!!

John with Aaron the anaesthetist.

A meal with Melkizadek and Rose.

It truly has been an amazing month. So we will see you soon back in the UK

God’s blessing on you all.

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