Saturday 8 February 2014

Further news from Janice

(Blue text in italics are John's comments)
(As Janice hadn’t said and knowing that there can be problems I asked Janice how she had got on going through Customs and Immigration on arrival at Bunia Airport. This is her reply)
            A Christian friend of Nancy's was on duty in the Customs Office and he waved my luggage through!!! (Amongst other goodies she had a new Laptop for Nancy in her case!) Then Rose took me into the passport/visa office, and the lady there recognised me, and so I had no problem there either!
Tuesday 4th Feb
            This morning my alarm clock went off half an hour later than expected [it's old and unpredictable like me!!!], but I still managed to get to breakfast for 7am, and out to the college by 7.30...!!! [Help!]...It has dawned VERY hot this morning.  I practiced my French with "Je pense que c'est tres chaud aujourdui!"....!!! Also learning some new Swahili words to add to my limited knowledge!

             On the way to work I saw the most I have EVER seen on one motorbike...2 children in front, then Dad, then 3 children behind!!! On these terrible roads, no helmets of course, and the children looked 5 to 10 yrs old! (Only 2 adults and 2 children here on this old picture!!)
            We arrive for the early staff meeting, business and prayers. I'm not usually 'up and out' at such an early hour, but that's how it is here!
I will be taking some more photos of College staff and classes today. Yesterday's photography was successful, and covered both college buildings. The most hilarity was when I went into a 'packed solid' anatomy class where the 'body' was lying on the examination bed [a model!!]. I think they thought I might freak-out at the sight!! Students are always very excitable in greetings!

            Yesterday afternoon I had some leisure time with coffee on the veranda. The dog and her puppy came to sit by me.....and the children were home from school and out in the garden doing chores, washing up, staggering up and down the rough dirt pathway between the outside kitchen [which is like a garage attached to the house] and the water tap; and other 'family' members were getting things ready for meals etc.......this is the life, maybe!!!!

Wednesday 5th Feb
            Thanks to all who have sent ME little feels great! Love you all! You know who you are, and I may be able to do a few individual Emails myself, sometime!
            My alarm was set OK this morning, so it wasn't such a rush to get out by 7.30am!! The rough dirt roads are packed with people on motorbikes, children walking to school, dodging lorries and motorbikes coming towards you on the same side as our car, all weaving to find the best bit of road to drive on between the holes and bumps!
            Great hilarity lining up the ISTM College staff after this morning's meeting for a portrait photo with Robert's help!!....much straightening of their attire to look tidy!  Visika did a very good job writing their names and status in capitals which I can actually read!! (Robert is one of the College’s Directors and Visika is one of the admin staff who I have worked with in the past.)

            I am being taken with Rose to Beni on spend a few days with Mele and Rose's daughter, Ruth and baby Nehemiah [who featured when we were staing here at Mele's  last year]....and visiting umpteen other relatives too!  The road journey is about 4-5 hours!!!! (about 100 miles as the crow flies.)

Thursday 6th February
            Good Morning/Bon Jour everyone......I have been in the office since 8am, and will soon be out and
about taking some more College photos! I spend about 2-3 hours at the college, and then hope to join Nancy in the house with the Wireless connection, and be able to send and receive Emails! And have further chats...and discussions re work, and the 2 album journals I hope to produce. Getting everyone's African names correct is mind-blowing as well as the French words for their various occupations! Their style of writing isn't easy to read either!!
            At home this morning, Rose was out on the veranda teaching 3 students from about 6.30am!! This is quite usual; and the students may have walked a very long way to get here!
            Just been reminded that the weekly Church meeting for the Nurse students is tomorrow, Friday and we need to be there by 7.15am!!

            At 10am I went for a walk around outside for half an hour, and photographed the building've never seen so many labourers, men and women, on one site; many seem to be working so close to each other you wonder who might chop a toe off!!![Dr. Philip Wood gets these sorts of accidents to operate on quite often!]  I am now at the house with the WiFi link, but it is only showing 'local use'......oh, now it's cut off altogether!! I'll be here a couple of hours more, so will hope and pray for a sudden reconnection!!.....

Nearly 1pm, my car will soon arrive [Ha! Ha! who am I kidding?!! This is Africa!!] I've been waiting, but no luck so far with a connection, so I will close and may not be able to send today, and who knows about tomorrow!!!

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